Neuter Champion
VP1 Gelderland Playing With Fire
Date of Birth: January 26th 2012
Hd-Score: 3/0
Elbows: 0/0
Specialist Clear Eye Certificate & Mouth Certificate (full dentition)
Sire: Karlo vom Räuberweg BH SchH/VPG I Ztp (IMPORT Germany - via USA)
Pink Papered IMPORT
H/d free E/d free (Germany) - H/d score 0/1 Elbows 0/0 (Australia)
AUSTRALIAN Specialist Clear Eye Certificate @ age 6 years & Mouth Certificate (full dentition) !!
DNA profiled in Germany, USA & AUSTRALIA
Multi V1 - rated in Germany
Jugendsieger - Brandenburg Spezialsuchtschau
Dam: Ch Gelderland Betta Thaneva E.T. "Jorja"
DNA profiled
H/d score: 3/6 Elbows: 2/2
Specialist Clear Eye Certificate
& Mouth Certificate (full dentition)
Hd-Score: 3/0
Elbows: 0/0
Specialist Clear Eye Certificate & Mouth Certificate (full dentition)
Sire: Karlo vom Räuberweg BH SchH/VPG I Ztp (IMPORT Germany - via USA)
Pink Papered IMPORT
H/d free E/d free (Germany) - H/d score 0/1 Elbows 0/0 (Australia)
AUSTRALIAN Specialist Clear Eye Certificate @ age 6 years & Mouth Certificate (full dentition) !!
DNA profiled in Germany, USA & AUSTRALIA
Multi V1 - rated in Germany
Jugendsieger - Brandenburg Spezialsuchtschau
Dam: Ch Gelderland Betta Thaneva E.T. "Jorja"
DNA profiled
H/d score: 3/6 Elbows: 2/2
Specialist Clear Eye Certificate
& Mouth Certificate (full dentition)
"Uschi" moving to win Baby bitch and VP1 - 22nd Rottweiler National - Judge Mr. Josef Mravik (Slovakia) 1-4 June 2012

Four months. Good size. Very typey female head. Correect ears and eyes. Excellent front. Correct dry neck. Correct straight back. Excellent angulation in rear. Correct free movement. Corerct markings. VP1
Gelderland Playing With Fire (Aus) | ||
Multi V1 Karlo vom Räuberweg (IMPORT Germany- via USA) BH SchH/VPG I Ztp |
Int Ch/ Swiss Ch/ VDH Ch Mambo von der Crossener Ranch (Germany) SchH/VPG III IPO III FH II BH AD | ||
Int Ch/ Dt-VDH Ch/ Swiss Ch/ Lux Ch/ Astn Ch Rick von Burghthann (Germany) SchH/VPG III BH AD IPO III | ||
Evi von der Crossener Ranch (Germany) SchH/VPG I AD BH | ||
BJS'99/KJS'99 Mona vom Ostsachsen (Germany) SchH/VPG I BH | ||
DT.VDH Ch Ben von der Scherau (Germany) SchH/VPG III BH AD IPO II. |
Aranka von der Ilmbrucke (Germany) SchH/VPG I BH | ||
Aust.Ch. Gelderland Betta Thaneva (Aus) E.T. |
Multi V/ Aust.Ch. Gelderland Watasensation [AI] (Aus- Export UK) E.T. |
Am/Can/Hung/Czech/Yug/Svk/Astn/Cro/Int. Ch. Gil Crni Lotos (Slovakia) IPO1 |
Aust.Ch. Gelderland No Compromise [AI] (Aus) | ||
V1/ Aust.Ch. Borgotti Jasordisurprise (Aus) E.T. | ||
Multi BIS/ Multi RBIS/ Multi BISS/ Multi RBISS/ Multi V1/ Aust. Grand Ch. Blackcombe La Forge (Aus) C.D.X. E.T. |
Klimkee Unser Jasmin (Aus) |